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In the Wake of a Pandemic


In the wake of a pandemic and all that has come along with it, we here at Limitless Victory Therapy Services want to be there for your child’s needs every step of the way. 

With changed methods of teaching, parents pulling triple shifts (homeschool, work, and everyday home life), and children’s social lives drastically reduced, we want to be there to help best support you and your children.

We want to do our best in educating and training our clients’ families how to best foster their development of skills and learning. 

The world is now a place where parents are suddenly wearing all the hats. They are co-teacher, parent, therapist, employee, business owner, housekeeper, entertainer, and so much more. These new roles mean you have been asked to do something you may not have had the training for. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Unsure of where to start or know if you are being effective in teaching your child at home? Do you feel like your child is falling further and further behind? 

There may be underlying reasons why your child is struggling. There also may be simple solutions to help foster their development and fast track their learning. 

We want to help EMPOWER you parents. 

Have you found yourself asking the following questions: 

  • How do I actually teach my child how to hold a pencil? How do I explain to them how to form a letter or how to write? I can’t read their handwriting.

  • Should my kid be copying or writing rather than typing?

  • How can I teach typing? 

  • How do I teach cutting skills correctly?

  • My child is not paying attention and can’t follow directions from the computer. Is this age appropriate? 

  • My child is not able to get their virtual school work done and nothing is organized. What do I do?

  • How can I help my kid be more independent and on task during the day?

  • My child is not falling asleep at night. What can I do to get them ready to sleep and allow my household to rest more? 

  • With playgrounds shut down, how can I make sure they get enough activity and movement within their day? 

  • How can I foster social interaction and play skills with social distancing in place and reduction in extracurricular experiences? 

I hear you parents. I have heard feedback from my clients, friends, and even myself. 

During this time, I see screen time and computers taking over.  It is very necessary given our world's circumstances. Ensuring the health, safety, and wellness of ourselves and those around us are of the utmost importance. Doing our part to flatten the curve is essential. 

What is also essential is that we make sure another curve is not created. 

What I see mainfesting for our kids is that without the proper training or knowledge, there may be a new curve that forms. A curve that includes an increase in developmental delays, issues with fine motor skills, motor planning, poor play and social skills, and learning difficulties that won’t be able to be targeted the same since our world has been so drastically changed. 

It is time to get help and seek out an occupational therapy evaluation and training if your child is showing signs of delays or is unable to do any of the following:  

  • participate in or follow everyday activities and family routines

  • play with their siblings

  • self occupy in play 

  • perform motor tasks age appropriately

  • do self care tasks well 

  • get their school work done

  • control their emotions, has frequent temper tantrums or meltdowns, avoids difficult tasks or school work

  • cannot handle being redirected, corrected, or attend to instruction

  • participate in messy play or multi-sensory environments 

Additionally, a part of our vision here at Limitless Victory is to provide community and parent education to everyone. In order to meet our community’s needs further, we are now offering parent training sessions to OPTIMIZE your homeschooling experience. This is a service for any child, not necessarily with developmental delays or learning difficulties. This is to ensure you, the parent, are fully equipped and prepared to handle this homeschooling experience. Knowledge is power. The more you are prepared, the less out of control you will feel. Private, individualized consultation services are now available to help you learn how to foster your child’s general development in areas such as:

  • overall strengthening

  • fine motor skills-

  • cutting

  • writing-

  • dressing

  • play skills and so much more!

We want to empower you all during these unprecedented times when everyone feels so out of control. When it comes to your children, we want to walk alongside you and help them reach limitless victory.

Lauren Condoleon, OTR

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